Posted: 8/8/2011 8:00:00 PM

Knowing how to get the most from your software means that you can get the most from your business. Day-to-day tasks can be completed in more efficient ways if you just make a minor edit to the way these tasks are completed. You probably have a handful of your own tricks that you acquired with time; whether it’s something as simple as a keyboard shortcut or a piece of information that you got from hours of training time. Knowledgeable tricks like those are impossible to learn. They’re something that you teach yourself after you’ve learned how to do the task thoroughly, without any shortcuts, first.

Posted: 7/31/2011 8:00:00 PM
Over the last several years social media has completely revolutionized the way we market our brand. Anyone has the ability to get their message heard in minutes with very little time or effort. Mediums like Twitter and Facebook guarantee that every opinion can be shared, whether it’s between dozens of friends or thousands of strangers.

In the construction industry, it’s more important to resolve complaints and issues than to reach out to consumers and that is why most typical social-media strategies don’t apply to your business. So how do you decide which tools are most applicable to your strategy? Should you use a blog, make a Facebook page or start tweeting? Most construction industries will do well to follow TiFuTe (tea-foot-ie) social strategy, as outlined below:
Posted: 7/31/2011 8:00:00 PM

 When representing your brand in online communities, you’re worried about doing or saying something that might jeopardize your reputation. While this is a valid concern, it shouldn’t keep you from engaging with your fans in a way that’s beneficial for both of you. Some of the most popular marketing campaigns have gone viral because they ventured outside of the realm of safety and normalcy and engaged the audience in an exciting way. Below you’ll find 4 rules that you’ve probably never broken, but should. If you want customers to have your name on the tip of their tongue, you have to remember:



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