Posted: 4/30/2009 8:00:00 PM
Paper is the life blood of an organization. If you want to understand any process you follow the paper. Whenever decisions are made there are paper documents to trigger action and demonstrate approval. Over the past few years organizations of all sizes have been trying to improve processes by cutting out the paper and replacing it with document management solutions. On the surface, one would expect putting in document management to be relatively simple (instead of printing paper you just file it) but the challenge has been to recreate the flow of paper within the electronic system to ensure that key processes continue to operate. If you miss a link then the paper will continue to get printed and support for the document management solution will fade.
Posted: 4/30/2009 8:00:00 PM
If today’s CFMs have a mantra, it’s probably something like: I know I can accomplish more with fewer resources. I know I can, I know I can . . .
For example, tighter credit markets have pushed CFMs to find better ways to monitor profitability and cash flow. And for many construction companies, overhead reductions have placed bigger burdens on newly downsized accounting teams. 
Both of these scenarios drive the need for greater efficiency through process improvement.
In their quest to become more efficient, CFMs frequently turn to their trusted business partners and advisors for assistance. Consultants and CPA firms, along with industry associations and colleagues, are the obvious “go-to” resources for insight. Yet, there is one partner that is often overlooked: the construction software provider and its professional staff.

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